Jan 22, 2016

Posted by in Lodge News

Bro. Harry Franklin Presented 60 Year Masonic Veteran Award


Wor. Tom Voltz, Bro. Harry Franklin, Rt. Wor. Rob Eades

Last night (1/7/2016) Rt. Wor. Rob Eades presented a Masonic Veterans award to Brother Harry Eugene Franklin for 60 years of devoted service to Masonry through his membership in Tuckahoe Lodge No. 347, A.F. & A.M. Brother Harry has moved to North Carolina and we don’t get to see him that often but is now very active in a Lodge near his home. He is an extraordinary Brother and distinguished gentleman, who is fun just to sit and talk to.

Congratulations on your 60 year pin Brother Harry! We know you will wear it with pride as you honor the Fraternity.