Our Circle of Concern

Report any case of illness or distress promptly to the Junior Warden or any officer. It’s extremely important that you tell your spouse, family member, or a friend to inform the Lodge if you are indisposed in any way.  A phone call or card is always appreciated to those on the list….and please remember them in your conversations with God.

11/7/19: Please remember the following in your thoughts and prayers:  Rt. Wor. Clarence Whitley and Mary, Bro. D-Ray Holcomb, Bro Steve Stankiewicz, Wor. Herb and Linda Eades, Wor. Gray Bradford, Bro. Walter Brooking, Bro. Kenny Roach and Karen, Rt. Wor. James Crowder, Bro. Dan Sarate, Bro. Floyd Bowen, Bro. David Sims and Mary Lou, Bro. John Gaywood, and Bro. Jack Reid.